Pushkin Institute is located in the center of Athens, and specifically in the area enclosed by the University (National Library – Propylaea), Omonia Square and Canningos Square.
Pushkin Institute
18 Fidiou Str., Athens 10678
Tel. : +30210 3302051, +30210 3824741
e-mail: info@pushkin.gr
Working hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 – 20:00
Send us your message by completing the following form.
You can reach the Institute:
- by metro: Omonia Station or Panepistimio Station.
- by public transport: bus or trolley on Panepistimiou Str. (stop: Rex) or Academias Str. (stop: Zodohou Pigis), by reaching the starting point at Canningos Square, at Academias Str. or at Omonia Square.
- by car: there are 2 car parking places at Feidiou Str. and 1 more at Em.Benaki, Nikitara and Gamveta streets, there is also a controlled parking system of the Municipality of Athens.
- by bicycle: the Secretariat should be informed at least 24 hours prior arrival if one wishes to leave the bicycle in its custody. The facilities of the Institute are accessible to people with special needs and disabilities. The secretariat of the Institute and the main facilities are located on the 7th floor of the building at the corner of Feidiou & E.Benaki streets.
The entrance to the building is located at Feidiou Str., 18.